Thursday, December 20, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007

Sunday, August 12, 2007
5. Traditions: Those never-get-tired-of things like trips to the aquarium (pic 1), a good hike in the mountains (pic 2), making quilt like our grandmothers used to do (pic 3), putting your feet in the river water for your birthday (pic 4), bowling in style at the Y (pics 5 &6), reconnecting with old friends in the outdoors (pic 7), lunch at the gateway (pic 8), and all the stuff you just do.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Thursday, May 17, 2007
Story 1 - We had a great weekend (this last one). On Saturday we spent the day a few hours south in Fairview (where the Berrys purchased some investment land) with about 1/2 of the immediate Berrys that live in UT. It was a gorgeous day and so fun to be out in the wide open spaces. The kids chased and caught butterflies & grasshoppers, followed animal tracks, went on walks, shoo-ed away pests, flew airplanes, and tried to use the bushes when nature called. It was so funny, in many ways we are still New Yorkers, as Mike kindly pointed out when he noticed that we had a pop-up toilet seat in the back of the truck, but it DID come in handy with the little ones: ) We chatted for hours and hiked the terrain, built a fire pit and had lots of good food to eat. Sarah pulled out her guitar and strummed while we watched the sun set over Mt. Nebo, and the kids sang a few songs. It was truly "being at one with nature" and we loved it.
Story 2 -I woke up the next morning to the bounces of Rachel and Jared and found that they (and Darren) had brought me breakfast in bed at 7:30am! It was the works too with eggs, sausage, oj, toast, yogurt w/ strawberries, and a protein drink. Rachel pronouced that "Today is Mother's Day so since you always do everything for us, we are going to do everything for you. So eat your breakfast, then after that I am going to give you a bath and help you get dressed!" Was a nice offer, but I passed: ) Darren then hurriedly took the kids out of the room so that I could actually have one meal to eat in peace. The first minute or two was divine, but do you want to know the rub? As the clock ticked on I started missing everybody so decided to go downstairs! Crazy, I know. We have morning church so had to rush around to get ready. During sacrament meeting I look over at Darren who is looking kind of pale and light-headed. He leans over and said, "I don't think I had breakfast." Can you believe that? What a guy. We had a great rest of the day doing the bare minimum, and it was kind of nice to not care about the unmade beds or toys strewn far and wide. I just didn't care because of all the hugs and loves from the day. So mucho gracias to Darren, Rachel, and Jared for their kindness and thoughtfulness.
So cheers to all the great people in our lives!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

- Darren's bank is still doing well. They periodically have hurdles that come up due to accounting policies and procedures, but have been successful in resolving them. They are also very progressive in the things they are doing and have exceeded the standards of other banks in the area. So of course, I am very proud of my man, and he loves his work - long though the hours may be.
- Rachel sings her days through, is a second mom to Jared, & reads every waking moment. Even her teachers at school have commented on her love for books. She is a little negotiater though when it comes to the to-dos of home life - she'll be great on a debate team later on in life. We also purchased a "trail-a-bike" that goes on the back of Darren's. It hooks to his seat stem, yet has her own handle bars & pedals. Its great because no training wheels so she has to balance herself. So she loves it better than her little bike becuase she can go faster speeds and definitely gives Darren a work-out. Maybe a picture next time.
- Jared's new phrase is "just kidding" and says it when he knows he's said something he shouldn't, then beams a charismatic smile to soften the heart. He's pretty good at charming, that's for sure. He is, always has been, and always will be a kid with a zest for life. He's game for anything and his favorite day of the week is when he goes to his gym-class. He also loves to go biking as a family because he doesn't have to work a bit (sits in a wagon behind my bike) and loves the wind hitting his face. At times he takes off his seatbelt to stand even higher in the wind. He also takes his seatbelt off in the car, which drives me nuts because I am so worried about safety. Last week when this occurred, I decided "desparate times called for desparate measures," so when I asked him to put his seatbelt on and he declined, I said, "Jared, do you want me to spank your bum?" His response: "Yes!" So while driving 45 miles per hour on Highland drive he walks up to me in the driver's seat and turns around. I spanked his little diaper-padded bottom and told him to sit back in his seat. Do you want to know what happened? He and Rachel burst out into un-controllable laughter. Screeech! I pull over and decide we have to have a chat! So much for corporal punishment: )
- My life if pretty much enveloped in the lives of the above, and though there are many moments of frustration or fatigue, I feel so much happiness and validation from my daily lists, to do's, activities, and the people I do them for. When my mind wanders to things I think I would MUCH rather be doing, I look at Darren, Rachel, & Jared and remember that life is short, and where-else would my energies be better spent? (yes, its a mantra I repeat to myself regularly: )
Love to all - The Berrys
p.s. Last Sunday afternoon in the hammock.....Tuesday, March 06, 2007
We spent Christmas day here at home watching Rachel and Jared experience the wonders of the day. We never tire of the pure excitement and magic of Christmas morning, and felt so very happy and blessed by all that sent us cards, letters, emails, and packages. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Then that evening was an amazing dinner at Steve & Michelle house in Orem, the frosting on the cake for a perfect day. For New Years we went to the Matthews Family cabin in Flagstaff which was a flood of memories for me. The place was packed to the hilt with kids and adults - I think we hit a record! Despite the stomach flu that plagued the masses, it was good times for sure. Mounds of delicious food and activities by day, and big screen movies by night in the middle of the forest. By some miracle it snowed JUST ENOUGH for a run of tobogganing - thanks Marshall for the special run you took my family on. We probably won't every have the opportunity again and it meant the world to me:) While in Flagstaff, my Mom and the DKB's took a side trip to the Grand Canyon. But the kids hardly looked at it - just ran around climbing on the slippery rocks till we yanked them away. So much for showing your kids the wonders of the here is MY MAIN MAN to document the "E" for effort on that venture.
In February Mom Matthews came from AZ for a family missionary farewell in Kaysville and to work on a family history project. I was very impressed on how quickly she learned Powerpoint and we ALMOST got everything done, but we struggled to work when we would have rather played: ) See below when she tried to teach the kids how to pull taffy. Let's just say, it's a good thing they have machines to do that now. The latest cooking venture was when Rachel saw this teapot and saucer cupcake idea in a cookbook. She served it at my Primary Presidency meeting last week and wow'd the ladies. The final shot is just a cute picture of Rachel and Jared. Nothing makes us happier than to see the friendship and love (and sometimes competition) between these two. They learn in leaps and bounds and its fun to challenge them. They are our pride and joy and basically just make life worth living. Spring is in the air and we are looking forward to that!
Love - Darren, Nicole, Rachel & Jared Berry