Thursday, December 20, 2007

"PRECIOUS MOMENTS" - Just some hight-lights of December, the best month of the year!

Jared's favorite place these days - games on the computer.  Mind you NOT the old one we have upstairs for the kids, he much prefers mine in the kitchen....go figure!

Fun in the kitchen making gingerbread men and ladies!

First snowman of the season only to be followed by a massive ice slide in the backyard coming from the rock wall - its really fun actually: )

Fun with Dad who actually spent more time being the hero and shoveling all the walks and driveway.

Jared's birthday with Ninja turtle decor on top of the cake.  The plastics stick-icons are his favorite toys.  We asked him if he wanted REAL ones for Christmas and he said, "no I already have some."  We love his simple pleasures - he is the light of our lives and giggles all the day long.

Riding the Polar Express train to the north pole (Heber Valley Railroad).  Santa came and gave everybody a Christmas bell, its amazing we ALL could hear its beautiful ring!

Sweet Rachel's Birthday - she waited very patiently for her birthday and LOVES being 5.  She loves to read already and loves even more being second Mom to Jared.  Its totally cute!

Merry Christmas and have a wonderful, happy 2008!