Tuesday, March 06, 2007

We haven't updated our blog since Halloween, so I thought I'd catch up with the mere highlights of our lives. The big event in November was Thanksgiving of course. The weather was beautiful and most of the extended Berrys made it over to our house in the course of two days. There was the main feast on Thursday and then the "left overs" party on Friday. The food was great, but the company superb! My nephew, Preston, was my HERO because Darren came down with a severe case of the flu. He injected the turkey the night before for full flavor marination (despite an injection explosion causing him and his babe Linsday to hit about 5 grocery stores to find a replacement), then carved the "roast beast" as the man of the house while Darren was down and out. It was a delicious pot luck feast with good family bonding: )

December came quickly with both Rachel and Jared's birthdays Dec 2nd and 4th respectively. Mom & Dad Voss and cousin Aspen were wonderful participants in both celebrations which tickled our kids pink. Singing, fun, cake, and presents - what more could a child want? Well, I'll tell you........SNOW! And we've had lots of it! Storm after storm of cold and beautiful snow. So we've had a great time playing in it -what else can you do? We've sledded many times in little Cottonwood Canyon, and Darren and I have skiied a few times at Alta in deep powder and gorgeous, sparkling views. Then our favorite feat is the snow fort (pictured below) that has a slide and a 2-person cave in back. It has snowed many times since the picture and it's just growing and growing: )

We spent Christmas day here at home watching Rachel and Jared experience the wonders of the day. We never tire of the pure excitement and magic of Christmas morning, and felt so very happy and blessed by all that sent us cards, letters, emails, and packages. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Then that evening was an amazing dinner at Steve & Michelle house in Orem, the frosting on the cake for a perfect day. For New Years we went to the Matthews Family cabin in Flagstaff which was a flood of memories for me. The place was packed to the hilt with kids and adults - I think we hit a record! Despite the stomach flu that plagued the masses, it was good times for sure. Mounds of delicious food and activities by day, and big screen movies by night in the middle of the forest. By some miracle it snowed JUST ENOUGH for a run of tobogganing - thanks Marshall for the special run you took my family on. We probably won't every have the opportunity again and it meant the world to me:) While in Flagstaff, my Mom and the DKB's took a side trip to the Grand Canyon. But the kids hardly looked at it - just ran around climbing on the slippery rocks till we yanked them away. So much for showing your kids the wonders of the world...so here is MY MAIN MAN to document the "E" for effort on that venture.

In February Mom Matthews came from AZ for a family missionary farewell in Kaysville and to work on a family history project. I was very impressed on how quickly she learned Powerpoint and we ALMOST got everything done, but we struggled to work when we would have rather played: ) See below when she tried to teach the kids how to pull taffy. Let's just say, it's a good thing they have machines to do that now. The latest cooking venture was when Rachel saw this teapot and saucer cupcake idea in a cookbook. She served it at my Primary Presidency meeting last week and wow'd the ladies. The final shot is just a cute picture of Rachel and Jared. Nothing makes us happier than to see the friendship and love (and sometimes competition) between these two. They learn in leaps and bounds and its fun to challenge them. They are our pride and joy and basically just make life worth living. Spring is in the air and we are looking forward to that!

Love - Darren, Nicole, Rachel & Jared Berry